Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by JackD (2021)

Shac and Dees Baby

For my parody I partnered with Eric Shacal to make a remix of the hit song “Indistry Baby” - By Lil Nas x and Jack Harlow. We decided to call it “Shac and Dees Baby” inspired by our last names and the song name! We were inspired to make a parody of thai song due to the pure meme the song is we thought it would be funny! I am most proud of the duet parts of the song and the mass amount of energy Eric and I had while making this song! To create this song Eric and I had to learn how to use the program Pro Tools! I see Pro Tools just like Adobe Premiere Pro which I use all the time. It has the same time line like feeling while not including video! I think Eric and I had a great take on this fun project!

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